Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Blog Post

Welcome to my new blog. I'm planning on taking lots of interesting pictures and entertaining people with them. I hope you like my pictures.

Cucumber seems to like Grandma's house.

I thought dolls were supposed to be small, not that big.

This is Kaylee my cousin.

Is this a crazy hair day?

Jolly old fella!

Two good friends.

I didn't think it snowed here.


  1. I am so excited you started a blog Emma! I look forward to reading your posts and looking at your pictures. I love it already.

  2. What a fun blog for me to read. I can't wait to see the pictures of your mom. I'll be more careful when you have your camera around me.

  3. Hey Miss Emma! I'm so excited about your blog. I look forward to more photos. Lots of Love my friend, Amy

  4. Hi Emma,

    I love your blog and will be checking in often. You got a great picture of Sophie's crazy hair day. :)

    Love you!

  5. Hey there, Emma! What a cool blog! It is fun to have a place to post your photos, isn't it? Just don't point that camera at me!!! :) We will be looking at your blog often!


  6. How did you get a picture of your Grandpa? He usually won't let you take a picture of him!!! Cute blog= Emma
